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fire & ice
Michael Adams, author of Fire & Ice: The US, Canada and the Myth of Converging Values, is a pollster for Environics Research. Not surprisingly, the data that he uses to support his thesis is based on comprehensive and rigorous polling of Canadians and Americans about what is important to them, and how that is changing over time. His thesis, which got some headlines in the NYT yesterday, is the same one I laid out in my article Why Canadians Fear America: that, far from being Americans 'lite', Canadians have fundamentally different values and worldviews from Americans, and those differences are increasing. Canadians are now much closer to their European contemporaries than to Americans, closer to Europeans, in fact, than are the British. America is now largely isolated in its prevailing worldview from the rest of the developed world. Its values are closer to those of autocractic developing nations than to those of other nations that have made the transition to democracy and constitutional liberalism.
If you want to see where you sit in the continuum you can take the survey online. When you're done, you'll see your personal worldview on the same grid shown above.
[How to Save the World]
Ce genre d'études est toujours suspect. Mais intéressant pour permettre d'apréhender des tendances collectives. J'ai fait le test, mais je ne pense pas qu'il soit valide au niveau individuel...

fire & ice
Ecrit par fgranger, le Lundi 15 Décembre 2003, 11:36 dans la rubrique Politique internationale.